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An extensive learning management system created to transform conventional learning and teaching practices into engaging interactions between institutions, educators, parents, and learners.
BeED main picture

About the Project

An extensive learning management system created to transform conventional learning and teaching into great interaction between institutions, educators, parents and learners. We help educational institutions to evaluate rather than just to grade. We build trust and transparency in Education and stimulate learners to be actively involved into learning process and to enjoy an engagement of parents.


  • Project team
    Project team:      15 people
  • Delivery date
    Delivery date:     active development 6 months (MVP)
  • Time spent
    Time spent:         the project is in progress


BeED is a unique product developed by the Bamboo Agile team from scratch. Before starting work on the project, we had to do lots of research to better understand modern educators’ specific needs and to refine the vision of the product. Our goal was to create a powerful SaaS platform embracing curriculum builder, content builder, features for managing learning process and for allowing users to work in collaboration. An important requirement was that the final product should be integrated with BeED Journeys solution on lessons’ creation and the support of outdoor lessons.


On the backend: using MySQL database for data storage; using Redis data storage for keeping cached data and user sessions, manual and performance testing, creation of server monitoring settings, integration with payment systems; plus FCM integration for subscriptions and push notifications.

On the WEB side: creation of WEB interface for various user roles, slow internet connection support, offline mode, setting up the functionality for sending SMSs in different countries.

On the API side: localizing the system interface into different languages. In addition to the solution, we’ve developed BeED promo website.

Technologies we used:

Node.js, Angular, MySQL


Collaboration tool for all participants of educational processes: Educational authorities, Administration of institution, Educators, Learners & Parents.

With diary of BeED OS, it becomes easy to grade learners, check the attendance, manage timetable and homework, communicate with parents and send notifications via web or mobile platforms.

Key Features

Grading, attendance and homework
Modern and user-friendly way to manage marks, attendance and see the full picture at the same time. The quickest way to assign homework to the class
Access to timetable
100% accurate list of all classes for any given week including subject name, time, classroom number and homework
Communication tool for everyone
Inform all parents or teachers about important events or updates in a second. Share teachers’ notes and comments with parents
Export automatic reports on the learners’ performance, attendance and help your institution to reduce paperwork

BeED LMS’s unique Curriculum Builder allows any institution to develop programmes that are wholly customizable and specific to their individual needs and preferences.

Key Features

Adaptable Building Block System
When it comes to operating systems, it should never be the “one-size-fits-all” approach. Instead of letting you create your own customized system from scratch, our innovative blocking feature allows you to transform the BeED LMS into a custom-tailored tool that best suits your own needs.
Holistic Character Builder
We all know that learning isn’t just about getting good grades – it’s about developing the learner as a whole. With BeED’s Character Builder, educators can now track their learners’ individual character profile over the years, allowing them to better monitor their development as a holistic individual.
Shareable Syllabus Builder
The Syllabus builder allows you to define and set the complete list of topics and subtopics for every course, so that your educators and learners are fully aware of what is required of them at every level. You can even take it to the next level by launching your institution’s syllabus onto the BeED Nexus for others to import.
Mastery-focused Learning Skills Builder
21st Century education isn’t just about learning stone cold facts, but also building transferable skills and mastery over various subjects; with the Learning Skills Builder, educators can pinpoint critical skills that indicate subject mastery, allowing them to focus on methods for improving learning-how-to-learn.

BeED’s Content Builder gives you the freedom to create, organize and share diverse lessons across your institution to ensure fluidity and cohesion of the subject matter taught.

Key Features

Assigning to Expert Educators
Let your subject experts do what they’re great at – crafting and sharing engaging digital lessons designed to bring out the best in every learner. The transparency of these lessons allows educators to learn from each other as well to uphold pedagogical excellence in your institution.
Shareable Template-Ready Lessons
BeED’s Content Builder templates ensure your educators creating engaging and structured lessons that can be directly embedded in other BeED Curriculum, Syllabus, Learning Skills and Character Skills Templates. These original lessons can be exported onto the BeED Nexus to be shared globally for the cross-pollination of best practices.
Conveniently Integrated Link to Timetabler
Directly link digital lessons to specific times and classes for greater convenience and accessibility for both your educators and learners. Students will always be on track to know exactly what they’re going to learn, whenever they’re going to learn.
Transparent Completion Tracker
Follow your educators’ work at all stages of content creation to ensure digital lessons rise up to the standards of quality set by your institution. Under each document you will be able to see the percentages of its readiness to remind the teacher of the need to complete the task.

BeED’s advanced Timetabler is more than just about scheduling classes – it’s about helping you coordinate all your events easily and seamlessly all year round to ensure that every programme continues without disruption.

Key Features

Work around Holidays
Plan your complete timetable a year ahead to work around public and school holidays to ensure you never miss an event in your schedule. Stay on top of your weekly activities with a custom lessons planner that you can easily share with your educational institution.
Application for your curriculum
Divide your learners into the groups and assign them to visit the subjects they have chosen. The Timetable is suitable for any type of curriculum, what makes it a universal tool of global scale, flexible for working even with extracurriculars and events organized in the institutions.
Exact Time Release
Set the Timetabler to release scheduled notifications, programmes or even lessons as and when necessary that work best for your institution. Control the customized parameters appropriate for your national regulations and requirements on shifts, duration of lessons, etc.
Efficient Facilities Management
Generate schedules quickly and easily to optimize the use of your teaching resources and available facilities. Combine any amount of teachers, classes, subjects and rooms to one lesson. Define exactly which criterias are the most important ones and which ones can be taken out if necessary.


The BambooAgile team created WEB application which allows users to monitor and manage the learning processes. With BeED LMS, a variety of roles gives users and opportunity to effectively create, assign and share the documents for Curriculum and Lesson planning — for school administration and educators, to check the schedule, homework, academic performance and attendance of kids in every course – for parents, and to benefit from many other features essential for today’s digitally connected learners, educators and administrators.

All relevant information is available: curriculum and syllabus, rubric system, students’ grades, attendance, assignments, schedules, educator’s notes, etc. The solution offers a unique feature: collaborative tool in the curriculum and lesson planning for administration, curriculum director and educators.

BeED LMS has three different UIs: one for parents / learners, one for educators, and one for school administrators. Each version has specific functionality. Each user is given a unique ID and password for the system so a parent can access only their kid’s profile.