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A unified platform of electronic services for education that provides a great opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

About the Project

A unified platform of electronic services for education that provides a great opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

The platform was created to simplify organizational issues and emphasize the importance of strong learning outcomes. Our solution provides a platform, which allows automating routine tasks, helps the staff organize the teaching process, parents — to track their children’s progress and students to focus on getting knowledge. An integrated iPay online payment solution became a brand new facility in education platforms providing a seamless way to pay the main school-related expenses, e.g. meals, printed textbooks, extracurricular activities and other fees. Being a virtual learning environment, the platform embraces the features organised in accordance with contemporary school needs — from an online gradebook and a class registry to an electronic document management system that connects all participants in the educational process.


  • Project team
    Project team:      10 people
  • Delivery date
    Delivery date:     ongoing 6 months (initial release)
  • Time spent
    Time spent:         the project is in progress


Znaj is a unique product developed by the Bamboo Agile team from scratch. Before starting work on the project, we had to do lots of research to better understand modern educators’ specific needs and to refine the vision of the product. Our goal was to create a capable platform which would simplify routine organization work of the studying process, optimize studying control and facilitate the communication between all the participants of the studying process. An important requirement was that the final product should provoke the creation of a high-potential learning environment, accessible via web and mobile apps.

Frame 124
We wanted to increase the usability of our platform and make it more accessible for all users. Therefore, we initiated the development of mobile apps.
Yuliya Kuzmina
Product Manager


After a deep analysis of the education industry, the client identified the most common issues needed to be improved in order to facilitate the studying process, management system and interaction between educational institutions and parents. The key solution, suggested by the development team, represents the platform, which combines all the essential tools with engaging multimedia design and user-friendly interface.

Technologies we used:

ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEB API, Angular, Bootstrap, MS SQL, MongoDB, React Native

Mongo DB
React Native

Key Features

Electronic analogue of a standard gradebook, which includes homework, lesson topics, notes and other data that are updated immediately, and can be automatically downloaded from the Classic Registry. The paragraph indicated in the textbook or lesson topic can be read in the Textbooks.

A free service for creating and managing the site of an educational institution, which ensures the availability of information about the school and school life.

The timetabler is designed for the entire school timetable management – each class and teacher would be taken into account. The timetabler is fully compliant with the SanPiN requirements.

Payments on the platform give a possibility to make payments for school meals, textbooks, trustee fees, extracurricular activities and other education services.

Textbooks include standard tutorials along with video tutorials that are available online on all devices. You can go to the paragraph directly from the Gradebook or the Classroom Registry.

Electronic document management for all participants of the educational process with a vertical from the institution of general preschool education to the Ministry of Education. Data management of the educational process, physical and information environment of educational institutions. The Manager is integrated with the gradebook.

Features for Parents:

  • Monitoring of children’s progress
  • Notes from teachers
  • Homework assignment check
  • Statistics of attendance
  • Access to the gradebook
  • Payments
  • Access to student rankings

Features for Teachers:

  • Registry
  • To leave and receive notes
  • Access to the schedule
  • Tendencies in performance
  • Access to the rankings
  • Notes overview
  • Access to the information about students

Features for Headmasters:

  • Notes for students
  • Review of studies statistics
  • Review of registries
  • Review of notes
  • Supervision of the current school status
  • Prompt to any issues happening

Features for Students:

  • Homework overview
  • Access to textbooks
  • Topics overview
  • Access to notes
  • Access to the current class schedule
  • Effective help in memorizing tasks


The Bamboo Agile team created a platform, accessible via web and mobile apps, which allows users to monitor and manage the educational process. With the developed platform, users can view the gradebook, make payments, view the schedule, homework, textbooks, academic achievements in every subject, and benefit from many other features essential for today’s digitally connected students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

All the relevant information is available at fingerprints: students’ grades, attendance, assignments, schedules, teachers’ notes, etc. The solution offers a unique feature: providing a deep insight into a children’s performance.

The platform has four different UIs: one for parents, one for teachers, one for students and one for headmasters. Each interface has its specific functionality. Each user is given a unique ID and password for the system so a parent can access only his/her child’s profile. According to the research and a survey conducted among the heads of educational institutions connected to the platform (2016-2017), teachers’ free time increased by 20%, the number of truancies without serious reasons decreased by 80% and average student performance increased by 15%.